Games, Esports, and Online Tournaments are the next evolution in preparing tomorrow's workforce. Cyber Games are a fundamental element to developing the next generation of a diverse and well-qualified community of cybersecurity talent. Games not only help build a better workforce, they keep the current workforce sharp and maintain a thriving community of cyber professionals prepared for what the future might hold in cyber attacks and possible disruptive innovations. While education, certification, and apprenticeship are important training instruments, games provide a safe and legal place to practice offensive and defensive techniques in a real-world environment with others.
Join this webinar to learn more about the US Cyber Games program that is scouting the first-ever US Cyber Team to compete globally.
Bradley Wolfenden
Sr. Cyber Business Analyst at By Light Professional IT Services
Jessica Gulick
US Cyber Games Commissioner and CEO & Founder at Katzcy
Dr. TJ O’Connor
Assistant Professor Of Computer Science at Florida Institute of Technology
Danielle Santos
Lead for International Engagement at the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)